Telegraph - Postcards from the edge of Ibsenesque despair

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Telegraph - Postcards from the edge of Ibsenesque despair

Beitragvon Marry » 14.08.2007, 12:52

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Postcards from the edge of Ibsenesque despair
By Nigel Reynolds, Arts Correspondent

If they look like ordinary holiday snaps, they are not.

The two men are anything but ordinary and their holiday was not of the jolly japes variety, but a journey to steep themselves in the heroically gloomy landscape of Henrik Ibsen's Norway.

Ralph Fiennes on a visit to the fjords near Bergen
Ralph Fiennes, double Oscar nominee, and Adrian Noble, artistic director of the Royal Shakespeare Company, took these pictures of each other on a week-long visit to the mountains and fjords near Bergen in preparation for a West End run of Brand, one of Ibsen's least performed and, even by his standards, one of his most tortured plays.

Fiennes will make his West End stage debut in the title role of Brand, at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, in May.

The pair have wanted to stage the play for four years and, neatly, the production will be Noble's swansong as an RSC director. Hounded and attacked over reforms he has made to the company, he is standing down in April after 11 years.

In Norway, the pair went rowing, fishing, walking and looking at churches and remote villages. They chewed over Ibsen incessantly in the fastness that drove him. And they suffered Ibsenesque blues. "It rained for the first day and a half," Noble said yesterday. "We didn't catch any fish. It must have been the wrong time of day."

When they went to the theatre in Bergen, where Ibsen worked as stage director until 1857, they found it closed. "What we did get was the great sense of emptiness and claustrophobia which is so central to his plays.

"With all the walking and the space and the distances one really gets a sense of Ibsen's landscape. You become very inward-looking when you are trudging up a mountain."

On the occasions when the pair visited villages and towns, Fiennes, the 39-year-old star of films such as The English Patient and Schindler's List, was, however, instantly recognised, he said.

Brand, written in 1866, will be as demanding of audiences as it will be of Fiennes. Brand is a Protestant minister, an uncompromising fundamentalist firebrand, working in a remote Norwegian community. And his faith is more important than any human consideration.

Brand will not allow his daughter to recuperate from illness in a more hospitable climate, and she dies. His wife dies from a broken heart. And he will not administer the last rites to his mother because she will not renounce her worldly goods on her deathbed.

Noble said: "It is one of the great, great plays of all time. It's up there with King Lear. It's not often performed because it's difficult to find the actor to play Brand."

That the production is happening is a little miracle - and a radical departure for the RSC. For four years Noble and Fiennes, who cut his teeth with the company and insisted that Brand should be done by the RSC, have had such full diaries that they could not find a date. Nor did the company have the time or the money to mount a show requiring more than 20 actors.

In defiance of the convention that classical theatre cannot pay its way in the West End, it will be staged by commercial producers - the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, and Stanhope Productions - at a cost believed to be around £300,000.

The RSC will supply Noble, the actors and the artistic team and Brand will have a six-week run at the RSC's Swan theatre in Stratford before a London run of 14 weeks and a possible Broadway transfer.

Chris Foy, the RSC's managing director, says: "This is a unique partnership. Brand simply wouldn't happen otherwise."


The Sunshine in my Life
Voldies Zauberstabhalter
Voldies Zauberstabhalter
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Beitragvon The Wild Harp » 14.08.2007, 17:16

Das ist ein sehr interessanter Artikel und ein hübsches Bild. Danke für's posten. :-)

On the occasions when the pair visited villages and towns, Fiennes, the 39-year-old star of films such as The English Patient and Schindler's List, was, however, instantly recognised, he said.

Ist ja erstaunlich, dass sie ihn dort in der Provinz erkannt haben.
"Pain is easy to write. In pain, we are all drably individual. But what can one write about happiness?" (TEOTA)
The Wild Harp
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Ralphs Sonnenschein
Beiträge: 3265
Registriert: 08.04.06

Beitragvon merana » 14.08.2007, 18:29

Und hier noch einen neuen, er ist auf der Britain's most powerful film stars in Hollywood auf Platz 10 gelandet... 713 Mio. Pfund sind ja eher mager zu den 2,64 Mrd. Pfund von orlando Bloom :angst:

Aber er ist ja kein Blockbusterbreitemasseschauspieler 8)

/E Ich hau das mal hier rein, weil selbe Webseite und nicht wirklich n Fred wert
Justins Gärtnerhilfe
Justins Gärtnerhilfe
Beiträge: 36
Registriert: 09.08.07
Wohnort: Bochum

Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 15.08.2007, 21:55

vielen dank fürs finden und posten. :) den bericht kannte ich noch überhaupt nicht, geschweige denn dass er in norwegen war. 8)
schade, dass das bild nur so klein ist.

vermutlich haben die in der "provinz" auch schon TV :lol:

in meinen augen ist die liste quatsch. ist doch bloss die summe der filmeinnahmen. interessanter wäre gewesen welcher schauspieler wieviel pro film verdient hat.
I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: 10.02.06

Beitragvon merana » 15.08.2007, 22:52

So Listen finde ich generEll tinnef, denn wer hier besserer Schauspieler ist Orlando oder ralph steht ja irgendwie außer Frage, oder? Ist mir nur am am selben Tag in die Hände gefallen.

Aber ging das um Filmeinahmen? denn Daniel Radcliffe,Emma Watson,Rupert Grint liegen weit vorn mit den HP Filmen... kann mir das irgendwie garnicht vorstellen das die 3 Filme mehr eingebracht haben als das was Ralph produziert hat.
Justins Gärtnerhilfe
Justins Gärtnerhilfe
Beiträge: 36
Registriert: 09.08.07
Wohnort: Bochum

Beitragvon Dolarhyde » 16.08.2007, 00:07

The list, compiled by the UK Film Council, reveals the country's most successful actors in terms of box office earnings over the course of the past five years.

To qualify for the list, actors must have had significant roles in films with a box office haul of at least £500 million

es geht also nur um die letzten 5 jahre und so wie es aussieht haben die vier potterfilme mehr eingespielt als ralphs filme in diesem zeitraum.
spider, the white countess, chromophobia und land of the blind, die in besagten zeitraum fallen, waren halt keine blockbuster.

Ralph Fiennes - one Harry Potter film, Red Dragon, Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, Maid in Manhattan: £713 million

allerdings frage ich mich warum the constant gardener nicht in der aufzählung vorkommt. bei dem film hätte ich gedacht, dass der mehr eingespielt hat. :roll:

wer hier besserer Schauspieler ist Orlando oder ralph steht ja irgendwie außer Frage, oder?

ja, darum ging es ja auch nicht. die liste zeigt nur, dass orlando bloom in einer menge blockbuster filme mitgespielt hat. man geht ja auch nicht in herr der ringe oder fluch der karibik, weil orlando bloom mitspielt. zumal der letzte piratenfilm grauenvoll schlecht war.
I'm the dragon
I'm the dragon
Beiträge: 7975
Registriert: 10.02.06

Beitragvon merana » 16.08.2007, 08:43

Dolarhyde hat geschrieben: zumal der letzte piratenfilm grauenvoll schlecht war.

Boah ja, aber sowas von... und ich hab mich auch noch nurch das tripple Feature gequält. Ich sag nur: Eine Erdnuss.:roll:

Zum Theman: Hm, ich hab dann echt was falsch verstanden, danke.
Justins Gärtnerhilfe
Justins Gärtnerhilfe
Beiträge: 36
Registriert: 09.08.07
Wohnort: Bochum

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